Step into the enigmatic world of "Gummy Nightmares" as Player One, a young boy who awakens in a mysterious amusement park with no memory of his past or identity. Guided by a mysterious girl named Jenny, you must use your slingshot, whistle, and backpack to battle evil robots, solve puzzles, and find clues to recover your lost memories.Welcome to Gummy Park!
Gummy Park was once a lively amusement park filled with joy and laughter, but one day, an accident turned everything sinister. Now, you must explore this eerie park haunted by sinister robots, uncover its secrets, and remember who you are before the nightmares consume you!
The Robots
Beware of the sinister plushie robots that haunt the park, trying to keep you from discovering the truth. Survive by hiding, setting traps, or confronting them. As you progress through the story, these robots will become increasingly aggressive. Fortunately, along your journey, you will also encounter friendly robots who will help you achieve your objectives and fight the evil ones!
The Slingshot
Your slingshot is your best friend! Use it to shoot active elements like electric boxes, gumball dispensers, or fire extinguishers to attack your enemies and slow them down. The slingshot isn't just for fighting; it can also be used to interact with your surroundings, solve puzzles, and unlock secrets. Most importantly, remember to regularly fill your backpack with gumballs from the dispensers located throughout the park.
The Hideouts
In certain areas of the park, you'll encounter patrolling robots such as Gummy and Scrawny. Fighting them isn't always an option; at times, survival hinges on finding a hiding spot. Seek sanctuary inside lockers, beneath beds, or within the rides situated in the lobby. Additionally, the karts in the lobby provide a means of evading your adversaries.Whistle & Traps
One of the distinctive features of Gummy Nightmares is the option to set traps for the patrolling robots. To do so, you must first collect specific baits scattered throughout the park, then place them inside traps like the meat fridge in the kitchen or the giant bear slide in the lobby. Next, you'll need to draw the attention of the robots by creating loud noises with your whistle and luring them into the traps.